Friday, September 27, 2013


A Hardware Firewall is a network device that is connected upstream from a server. The Firewall blocks unwanted traffic from a server before the traffic ever reaches the server. The main advantage to having a Hardware Firewall is that a server only has to handle 'good' traffic and no resources are wasted dealing with the 'bad' traffic.Configuring a Firewall is as simple as creating a set of rules to allow access to certain ip addresses and ports from specific internet addresses.

Adding a Firewall to a Server:

To add a Firewall to a server, click on the link under the Security->hardware firewall tab in the customer portal. This page will display a list of servers on the account and which servers are eligible to be protected by a Firewall, which ones are already protected by a Firewall, and which ones cannot be protected by a Firewall due to network configuration.

To add a Firewall to your server, assuming the server is eligible for a Firewall, click the 'add' link and instructions will be displayed on how to have Firewall protection added to the server. Once a Firewall has been added to a server, an 'edit' link will be available to configure the Firewall.

Common Ports:
FTP - 21
SSH - 22
Telnet - 23
SMTP - 25
DNS - 53
HTTP - 80
POP3 - 110
IMAP - 143
HTTPS - 443
MSSQL - 1433
MySQL - 3306
Remote Desktop - 3389
PostgreSQL - 5432
VNC Web - 5800
VNC Client - 5900
Urchin - 9999 or 10000

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