Thursday, December 29, 2011

Network Monitoring – What is the use of it?

Simply put, the term network monitoring is referred to the ongoing use of a system that continuously monitors a computing network and notifies the network administrator, through SMS, email and other alarms if there are any outages.

Network Monitoring – What can it do for you

There are times when we cannot fathom what can cause loss to us. Imagine a situation where your organization gets affected by any one of the real-life situations listed below:-

The SQL server storing crucial databases is short of disk space and seems to fail in operations within few hours
The Web server having a presence of an unpatched safety vulnerability leaving the organization website open that can be hacked by third party intruders. A tougher situation would be if no one is aware of the same.
Certain errors messages that keep on recurring on the Exchange Server as a warning sign of a probable threat in the Information Stores. This in turn can halt the mail system completely in as less as 30 minutes.

These are some of the instances that explain the requirement for proactive and efficient monitoring of your network and the resources stored in it.

How feasible are manual monitoring systems?

Today the systems administrators have got many agendas to manage and hence, at times it becomes critical for them to remain updated about what is happening on the systems and network front. To think about it, if you have about 50, 15 or approximately more than 100 severs, then monitoring all the systems manually and error logs can turn out to be a full time engagement. This is where efficient network monitoring comes into use. Let us have a look at the benefits and positive uses of network monitoring listed below:-

Warn the users of any problems: - With any efficient network monitoring the IT department is able to stay alert on issues that otherwise could have led into serious concerns and result in down time.
Users are able to track the growth of their network – Innovative network monitoring helps the users in collecting information to keep a track of the network's expansion. There are chances that a server would change over years and new ones have come online. There are possibilities such as that the users have added fresh wireless network, printers, workstations and many others. Networking monitoring enables a user to learn about what the have and the way that is being used, that helps in solving a problem constructively.

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